On this episode I speak with a local bodybuilder at my gym. He has been through quite a bit so I wanted to see how that impacted his gym way of life. We will be taking a deep dive into his journey and what he has planned for the near future! Progressive-Overload is the way to go!
Category Archives: Finished Podcasts
Podcast Ep. 1 – Journey & Insight of an Influencer
Cured By A Spell
Ep. 3 – Preserving Puerto Rican Culture in Bushwick

In this episode, podcast host Arianna Arce speaks with classmate Edwin and Assemblywoman Maritza Davila about the ways gentrification has brought on changes in Bushwick, and how to preserve the Puerto Rican culture.
The College Dorm Podcast, Episode One, “Insomnia and the College Major”

The College Dorm Podcast follows the daily college student life in and outside the college dorm from students and campuses across the country!
On today’s episode, host Eduardo Ibanez explores the issue of sleep err, better yet the lack of sleep reported by over 70% of college students. Eduardo sits down with three college students, two still enrolled, and creates a conversation surrounding the interlinked relationship between the lack of sleep college students faced dramatically determined by the student’s major. Majors such as architecture, finance, computer science, and nursing tend to suffer from sleeping disorders, the common culprit namely insomnia.
Each guest will speak on their experiences with insomnia and what tried methods and opinions experts and the students have worked on to finally get at long last every college students greatest wish, a good night’s sleep,
Music credits,
Night Owl by Broke For Free
Courtesy of WFMU-FM
Ep. 2 Impact of Influencers – Discussing Burnout With TKN Editor in Chief – Holden Velasco

Impact of Influencers is a podcast where discussions are held around the impact social media/influencers have on our daily lives and what goes on behind the scenes in the life of an influencer.
Gen-Zers are burning out. We all fall victim to “hustle culture” and seeing everyone celebrate their success on social media (on a daily basis.) In this episode, Arianna Arce sits down with Holden Velasco to discuss his own experience with burnout while acknowledging how social media plays a role in why we give in to “hustle culture.”
the would we sacrifice children episode
Yeah, we were just talking about that Last of Us trailer from January. Then we ended up talking about a book the Rachel knows about. So we just decided to hit the record button and try to think through both stories’ ethics.

Monica Sarduy- Finding My Way Home

Follow Monica Sarduy as she rediscovers her family history in detail with her mom, Olga Sarduy. They discuss shared experiences and learn about each others identity and how they relate and live through their Russian heritage.
Home Sweet Home

Where you came from and how you speak doesn’t determine where you’ll end up.
On this episode of Home Sweet Home, Torri Little shares her story of her childhood.
The way Torri Little grew up and what she has been through has shaped her to be the person she is today. She shares her experiences and explains how speech therapy has helped her from her childhood to her adult life.
Concert Talks with Kristina: Why We Love Concerts

Concert Talks with Kristina is exactly what it is: conversations on all things concert related hosted by me, Kristina Dawoud.
Want to know why we feel the way we do at concerts? Find out by listening to the first episode of Concert Talks with Kristina!
On the first episode of Concert Talks with Kristina, I dive into why we feel the way we do at concerts. From the speakers booming to the artist gracing the stage with their vocals and choreography, multiple sense are at work… but how? Take a listen!