On today’s episode, host Eduardo Ibanez discusses with anime expert Kennedy Moran the hit manga turned anime, Attack on Titan, and creator Hajime Isayama’s Colossal Rise in Anime History!

With the final season of Attack on Titan coming to its end later this year, we take a look back into the creator himself, Hajime Isayama, and his humble beginnings before becoming a manga artist icon and creator of the most celebrated anime of our current generation. Isayama, who himself had quite the evolution from high school manga artist to then creating a one-shot precursor of Attack on Titan which won recognition and fame for his first ever publicly published work, we follow Isayama’s artistic trials and unhappy Internet cafe days where his perseverance and determination to continue his manga passion would propel him to manga stardom status within and beyond Japan. This and more on today’s episode of Anime Creators Podcasts!
Music Credits,
Night Owls by Broke for Free, courtesy of WFMUFM, their website found at freemusicarchieve.org/curator/WFMU
Note: All sound clips and music used in the episode are credited to the anime Attack on Titan and its respective soundtrack