The Ins And Outs Of Teaching is a safe space for current and future teachers!
Torri Little interviews Janiela Lindsay about her perspectives on being a teacher.
The Ins And Outs Of Teaching is a safe space for current and future teachers!
Torri Little interviews Janiela Lindsay about her perspectives on being a teacher.
Hi so this is the edited version of just the interview portion of my podcast. I am having difficulty attaching my introduction and conclusion for the video which is something I will be working on for the next few days and also my audio can be worked on a bit more.
College Road Trip is a podcast that focuses on the experiences and hobbies of different college students throughout the country. My goal from this podcast is to learn about the life of President elect of all Male Acapella group, “The Dear Abbeys” as the “Ambassador of Fun”, Ty Rena. We recorded this on our home from Boston after a fundraiser show, this episode would also highlight the importance of the charity. The target audience for this podcast is definitely other college students, especially those interested in particular clubs.
A graduation flick from high school, the second person to the left is the interviewee, Syed Rahman (I am far right with the cord and medal). We didn’t wear cap and gowns.
My intro for the series and for the episode didn’t sync with my interview so only the interview is shown.
Hi everybody,
This site will be the online hub for the course. You’ll find everything from the syllabus here. You’ll post assignments here–process writing, scripts, rough cuts of episodes, and final cuts of those same episodes.
You’ll work together in workshop groups. You’ll do some of your interaction here, and some in person.
I look forward to a semester of podcasting with you!